Bay, Permanent Quest

Traces of Civilization

Requierement : Hotel 4 Stars Part 1 - Collect 36 Binoculars (Hostel, Upgraded Hostel) - Collect 20 Warm Jackets (Premium Cottage) - Request 10 Compasses to your friends Part 2 - Collect 10 Mangoes (Bay Tropical Garden) - Collect 1 Crockery (Bay Workshop) - Collect 5 Dowsing rod (Genie Palace) Part 3 - Collect 1… Continue reading Traces of Civilization

Bay, Cant-speed, Coins 1001-1500, Energy-02-03, Energy-04-06, Hours-09h00-12h00, Piastres-1001-1500, Unique Building

Dodo Nest

Requierement : Restaurant level 4 Profit in 12 hours : 1 300 coins, 1 300 piastres, 2-4 energyTimed Quest The Feathered Thief I (24 hr) - Collect 15 Mangoes (Click on Garden Patch to produce) - Collect 11 Flip Flops (Beach Shop) - Collect 40 Straw Hats (Family House) The Feathered Thief II (24 hr)… Continue reading Dodo Nest

Bay, Cant-speed, Unique Building

The Workshop

The Workshop is in ruins. We must be restored and after can be upgraded. It's the first Building to upgrade. Upgradeds' loop : Workshop > Restaurant > Hotel > Ship > Workshop > Restaurant... At the same time and as the Workshop evolves, the time and cost of materials are decreasing, see the page dedicated.… Continue reading The Workshop

Bay, Unique Building

Wooden Pier

The Wooden pier is the way to go in The Bay from the City Center. Winds of Change I - Hand out 35 Brochures (German House, Family House, Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House, Upgraded German House) - Collect 25 Newspapers (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway Station) - Collect 12 Microphones (Pub , Upgraded Pub) Winds of… Continue reading Wooden Pier

Super Stories

Wonderful gifts aka Exotic flowers

No timers! You have 12 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Eastern House, House with a pond, Flowery Pond, Lily Pond, 4 Marigold flowerbeds. Exotic flowers I - Collect 35 Barrows of soil (Farm – Squash) - Collect 40 Rakes (Summer House) - Collect 11 Watering cans (Ranch) Exotic flowers II - Collect 15… Continue reading Wonderful gifts aka Exotic flowers