City Center, City Sights, Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, Max-pop-0000-0050, Sands, Stars-02


Available at Level 35 Max Population : + 10 Profit in 24 hours : 2 experiences, 500 coins The first sport to do for Sports Committee. The building Sports Committee is an infrastructure, but the sports are classed in City Sights. The order of sports quests : Fencing, Weight lifting, Archery, Gymnastics and Diving. 1… Continue reading Fencing

City Center, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-?, Highland, Hours-13h00-16h00, Infrastructure, Max-pop-2001-4000, Sands, Stars-01


Available at Level 50 Cost : 250 000 coins - Max Population : + 2 500 Profit in 15 hour : 1 experience, 550 coins, ? energy Courthouse I - 5 Architects (can be trained at the University). - Help your friends with 50 buildings. - Deliver goods to Bakery 30 times. Courthouse II -… Continue reading Courthouse

Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Energy-02-03, Energy-04-06, Hours-01h00-04h00, Stars-01, Super Event, Unique Building

Guardian of the Valley or Dragon

Available after completing the Airship. Profit in 4 hours : 1 experience, 350 coins, 2-4 energy Reward : After finishing the quest, you'll get a Guardian of the Valley statue (it will appear in your Storage under “Roads and Decorations”). The Guardian of the Valley is the first Super Event in Enchanted Valley. Once the… Continue reading Guardian of the Valley or Dragon

Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Energy-04-06, Energy-07-10, Hours-05h00-08h00, Stars-01, Super Event, Unique Building

School of wisdom

Available after completing The Guardian of Valley. Profit in 8 hours : 1 experience, 440 coins, 5-10 energy Reward : After finishing the quest, you'll get a Lucky Cat Statue (it will appear in your Storage under “Roads and Decorations”). The School of wisdom is the second Super Event in Enchanted Valley. It's a Yellow… Continue reading School of wisdom

City Center, Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, National Park, Stars-01


Cost : 10 000 coins Profit in 24 hours : 1 experience, 500 coins It’s a Yellow Timer Quest. Foxes I - 36 hours - Place Pen with Foxes - 2 Seals (drop from the Administration). - 5 Forms (ask your friends). Foxes II - 24 hours - Collect profits from the Shoe Shop 15… Continue reading Foxes