Bay, Cant-speed, Unique Building

The Ship

The Ship is the fourth Building to upgrade. Upgradeds’ loop : Ship > Workshop > Restaurant > Hotel > Ship > Workshop ... The Start We beguin with send two goods (random items) in orders tab and get up the first two material. we can see, throughout the upgrades, the materials that can be brought… Continue reading The Ship

Bay, Unique Building

Wooden Pier

The Wooden pier is the way to go in The Bay from the City Center. Winds of Change I - Hand out 35 Brochures (German House, Family House, Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House, Upgraded German House) - Collect 25 Newspapers (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway Station) - Collect 12 Microphones (Pub , Upgraded Pub) Winds of… Continue reading Wooden Pier

Coins 1501-2000, Energy-07-10, Energy-10-more, Hours-21h00-24h00, Permanent Quest, Snow Plateau, Stars-01, Summer Quest - 2018, Unique Building

Geyser Park : Stage 3 – Modern Geyser Park

Available after completing the stage 1 : Wild Geyser park and stage 2 : Renovated Geyser Park Requirements: level 60 + Snow Station built. Timers: No timers for the Geyser itself, but if you make it in the allotted time (14d 23h) you will get the extra rewards: Sporting Goods Store + 20 superbucks Rewards:… Continue reading Geyser Park : Stage 3 – Modern Geyser Park

Coins 0501-1000, Drop Item, Enchanted Valley, Hours-01h00-04h00, Infrastructure, Max-pop-2001-4000, Stars-01

Valley School

Available at Level 65 and Super event "School of Wisdom" must be completed. Cost : 450 000 coins - Max Population : + 3 800 Profit in 4 hours : 700 coins - 1 star - 1 Diploma (for trained Designer and Mechanic at College) Valley School I - Collect 16 Computers. Do not drop… Continue reading Valley School

City Center, Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Energy-?, Highland, Hours-01h00-04h00, Pop-0000-0050, Sands, Snow Plateau, Stars-01, Upgraded

Upgraded Colonial House

Available at level 60 Cost : Department of Architecture Residence - max 9 buildings Profit in 1 hour : 170 coins – ? Energy 1 Star +30 population. Drop the same item that the Colonial House un-upgraded. Drop Axe Party crokery 1st Upgraded - 3h30 - 1 100 Coins - 3 Seals (Administration) - 6… Continue reading Upgraded Colonial House