City Center, City Sights, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, Max-pop-0000-0050, Sands, Stars-02


Available at Level 35 Max Population : + 10 Profit in 24 hours : 2 experiences, 800 coins The fourth sport to do for Sports Committee. The building Sports Committee is an infrastructure, but the sports are classed in City Sights. The order of sports quests : Fencing, Weight lifting, Archery, Gymnastics and Diving. 4 –… Continue reading Gymnastics

City Center, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-?, Highland, Hours-13h00-16h00, Infrastructure, Max-pop-2001-4000, Sands, Stars-01


Available at Level 50 Cost : 250 000 coins - Max Population : + 2 500 Profit in 15 hour : 1 experience, 550 coins, ? energy Courthouse I - 5 Architects (can be trained at the University). - Help your friends with 50 buildings. - Deliver goods to Bakery 30 times. Courthouse II -… Continue reading Courthouse

City Center, Coins 2001-3000, Coins 4001-more, Drop Item, Enchanted Valley, Energy-04-06, Highland, Sands, Snow Plateau

The Astrologer’s Home

This is for people who plan on long term game play Once complete you can collect 2 superbuck every 5 days ... so about 12 a month - To build the house will cost a total of 116 (equates to 9 months of collection before it pays back ) or something close - So if… Continue reading The Astrologer’s Home

City Center, Coins 0000-0100, Drop Item, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-0-59, Infrastructure, Sands, Stars-01

Water Tower Upgraded

Profit in 45 mn : 1 experience, 100 coins, 2 water drop This infrastructure is offered as a quest. Water Tower Upgraded I - 2 500 coins (will be deducted). - Collect profit from Flower Kiosk 18 times. Water Tower Upgraded II - 3 bricks (made at the Cargo Port). - 5 Roofings (produced at the Construction Factory).… Continue reading Water Tower Upgraded

City Center, Unique Building


The Caravan is accessible from level 1, however, it will be necessary to wait for level 6 with the availability of the Central Station. The Caravan is the way to go in Sands from the City Center. Caravan I - 12 Water (drops from the Water Tower) - 40 crops of Strawberry (grows at Farm)… Continue reading Caravan