Bay, Cant-speed, Unique Building

The Ship

The Ship is the fourth Building to upgrade. Upgradeds’ loop : Ship > Workshop > Restaurant > Hotel > Ship > Workshop ... The Start We beguin with send two goods (random items) in orders tab and get up the first two material. we can see, throughout the upgrades, the materials that can be brought… Continue reading The Ship

Bay, Cant-speed, Coins 1001-1500, Energy-02-03, Energy-04-06, Hours-09h00-12h00, Piastres-1001-1500, Unique Building

Dodo Nest

Requierement : Restaurant level 4 Profit in 12 hours : 1 300 coins, 1 300 piastres, 2-4 energyTimed Quest The Feathered Thief I (24 hr) - Collect 15 Mangoes (Click on Garden Patch to produce) - Collect 11 Flip Flops (Beach Shop) - Collect 40 Straw Hats (Family House) The Feathered Thief II (24 hr)… Continue reading Dodo Nest

Coins 0501-1000, Drop Item, Enchanted Valley, Hours-01h00-04h00, Infrastructure, Max-pop-2001-4000, Stars-01

Valley School

Available at Level 65 and Super event "School of Wisdom" must be completed. Cost : 450 000 coins - Max Population : + 3 800 Profit in 4 hours : 700 coins - 1 star - 1 Diploma (for trained Designer and Mechanic at College) Valley School I - Collect 16 Computers. Do not drop… Continue reading Valley School

Coins 2001-3000, Energy-02-03, Hours-13h00-16h00, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Sweet Store

No timers! You have 11 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Sweet Store (2 800 coins, 2 energy every 16 hours) Sweet Store - Collect 25 Welcome mats (Shoe Shop) - Hand out 32 Brochures (German House, Family House, Colonial House) - Collect 36 Tulips (drop 1-3 at a time – Flower Kiosk) Recipe… Continue reading Sweet Store

Super Stories

Sunny gifts

No timers! You have 12 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Beach House, Large swimming pool, Lifeguard tower, Hammock, Pink Umbrella, Blue Umbrella, Red Umbrella. Sunny gifts I - Collect 30 Booklets (Textile Factory — Denim) - Collect 35 Tripods (drop 1-5 at a time – Ranch) - Collect 27 Ring cakes (Bakery) Sunny… Continue reading Sunny gifts