City Center, Coins 2001-3000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-02-03, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, Sands, Super Stories

Wedding Gazebo

No timers! You have 9 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Wedding Gazebo (2 500 coins, 3 energy every 24 hours) Wedding Gazebo I - Collect 35 Hawaiian leis (Flower Kiosk) - Collect 16 Romantic candles (Coffee House) - Collect 29 Peacock feathers (Stationery Shop) Wedding Gazebo II - Collect 12 Stars (throw parties… Continue reading Wedding Gazebo

City Center, Coins 1501-2000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-02-03, Highland, Hours-17h00-20h00, Sands, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Lotus Temple

No timers! You have 12 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Lotus Temple (1800 coins, 3 energy every 18 hours) Festival of Colours I - Collect 39 Hawaiian leis (Flower Kiosk) - Collect 53 Feather dusters (Shoe Shop) - Collect 67 Rakes (Summer House) Festival of Colours II - Produce 15 lots of Velvet… Continue reading Lotus Temple

Coins 0501-1000, Energy-01, Hours-01h00-04h00, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Christmas Post Office

No timers! You have 11 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Christmas Post Office (800 coins, 1 energy every 3 hours) Christmas Post Office I - Collect 34 Christmas wreaths (Flower Kiosk) - Collect 40 Buttons (Colonial House) - Collect 11 Stockings (Ranch) Christmas Post Office II - Collect 9 Jingles (Sushi Bar) -… Continue reading Christmas Post Office

Coins 2001-3000, Energy-04-06, Hours-21h00-24h00, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Christmas Market

Requirements: level 15. No timers! You have 12 days to complete all the tasks. (3 000 coins, 4 energy every 24 hours). Christmas Market I - Collect 28 Diamonds (Mansion) - Hand out 41 Brochures (German House, Family House, Colonial House) - Collect 65 Hamburgers (drop 1-3 at a time – Bistro) Christmas Market II… Continue reading Christmas Market

City Center, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-05h00-08h00, Sands, Super Stories

Magician’s Ball

No timers! You have 9 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Thousand Skull Mansion (1000 coins every 6 hours) Magician’s Ball I - Collect 26 Newspapers (Subway Station) - Collect 28 Binoculars (Hostel) - Collect 35 Excursion tickets (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above) Magician’s Ball… Continue reading Magician’s Ball