Coins 1001-1500, Energy-04-06, Energy-07-10, Hours-21h00-24h00, Permanent Quest, Snow Plateau, Stars-01, Summer Quest - 2018, Unique Building

Geyser Park : Stage 2 – Renovated Geyser Park

Available after completing the stage 1 : Wild Geyser park. Geyser Park: Stage 2 — Renovated Geyser Park (high level constant quest) Requirements: level 60 + Snow Station built. Reward : Renovated Geyser Park (1500 coins, 1 xp, 5-7 energy every 24 hours) Renovated Geyser Park I - Collect 10 Lattes (UP - Coffee House)… Continue reading Geyser Park : Stage 2 – Renovated Geyser Park

Super Stories

Wonderful gifts aka Exotic flowers

No timers! You have 12 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Eastern House, House with a pond, Flowery Pond, Lily Pond, 4 Marigold flowerbeds. Exotic flowers I - Collect 35 Barrows of soil (Farm – Squash) - Collect 40 Rakes (Summer House) - Collect 11 Watering cans (Ranch) Exotic flowers II - Collect 15… Continue reading Wonderful gifts aka Exotic flowers

City Center, Coins 1501-2000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-02-03, Highland, Hours-17h00-20h00, Snow Plateau, Super Stories


No timers! You have 13 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Windmill (1700 coins, 3 energy every 18 hours) Windmill I - Collect 45 Backpacks (Summer House) - Collect 30 Pairs of shoes (Shoe Shop) - Collect 34 Straw hats (Family House) Windmill II - Hand out 16 Avocados (Greengrocer's Shop) - Collect 36… Continue reading Windmill

City Center, Coins 2001-3000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-01, Energy-02-03, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, Sands, Super Stories

Sweetheart House

No timers! You have 7 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Sweetheart House 2 500 coins, 0-3 energy every 24 hours) Sweetheart House I - Train 6 Designers (College) - Produce 40 lots of Tulle (Textile Factory) - Produce 32 lots of Wallpapers (Construction Factory) Sweetheart House II - Collect 45 Roses (Flower Kiosk)… Continue reading Sweetheart House

Coins 2001-3000, Energy-02-03, Hours-13h00-16h00, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Sweet Store

No timers! You have 11 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Sweet Store (2 800 coins, 2 energy every 16 hours) Sweet Store - Collect 25 Welcome mats (Shoe Shop) - Hand out 32 Brochures (German House, Family House, Colonial House) - Collect 36 Tulips (drop 1-3 at a time – Flower Kiosk) Recipe… Continue reading Sweet Store