City Center, Coins 2001-3000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-02-03, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, Sands, Super Stories

Wedding Gazebo

No timers! You have 9 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Wedding Gazebo (2 500 coins, 3 energy every 24 hours) Wedding Gazebo I - Collect 35 Hawaiian leis (Flower Kiosk) - Collect 16 Romantic candles (Coffee House) - Collect 29 Peacock feathers (Stationery Shop) Wedding Gazebo II - Collect 12 Stars (throw parties… Continue reading Wedding Gazebo

City Center, Coins 4001-more, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-24h00-more, Sands, Super Stories


No timers! You have 13 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Stonehenge (5 000 coins every 36 hours), Flower Fairy, 4 Primrose flowerbeds. Stonehenge I - Collect 50 Rakes (Summer House) - Collect 35 Feather dusters (Shoe Shop) - Collect 26 Paint rollers (Petrol Station) Stonehenge II - Collect 85 Packs of seeds (Flower… Continue reading Stonehenge

Coins 0501-1000, Hours-05h00-08h00, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Presents! aka Icy Palace

No timers! You have 8 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Icy Palace (1000 coins every 6 hours) Presents I - Collect 30 Pairs of mittens (Textile Factory – Wool, Tulle, Denim, Printed Cotton, Linen, Venetian Lace, Silk, Velvet, Lace) - Collect 33 Bobble hats (Family House) - Collect 15 Warm jackets (Premium Cottage)… Continue reading Presents! aka Icy Palace

City Center, Coins 2001-3000, Coins 4001-more, Drop Item, Enchanted Valley, Energy-04-06, Highland, Sands, Snow Plateau

The Astrologer’s Home

This is for people who plan on long term game play Once complete you can collect 2 superbuck every 5 days ... so about 12 a month - To build the house will cost a total of 116 (equates to 9 months of collection before it pays back ) or something close - So if… Continue reading The Astrologer’s Home

City Center, Enchanted Valley, Entertainment, Highland, Permanent Quest, Sands

Super Stadium

Requirements: level 55. No timers! This offer is permanent, but if you want to get the extra reward, you have 11 days to complete the tasks. Reward: The Super Stadium instead of the Stadium (36 hours before the collection instead of 48). He can be put in storage an placed everywhere except The Snow Plateau.… Continue reading Super Stadium