City Center, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-?, Highland, Hours-13h00-16h00, Infrastructure, Max-pop-2001-4000, Sands, Stars-01


Available at Level 50 Cost : 250 000 coins - Max Population : + 2 500 Profit in 15 hour : 1 experience, 550 coins, ? energy Courthouse I - 5 Architects (can be trained at the University). - Help your friends with 50 buildings. - Deliver goods to Bakery 30 times. Courthouse II -… Continue reading Courthouse

Coins 0501-1000, Energy-04-06, Highland, Hours-09h00-12h00, Stars-01, Unique Building

Premium Spa Resort

Available after completing Spa Resort > Profit in 12 hours : 1 experience, 750 coins, 5 energy. > The Premium Spa Resort can be upgraded with 75 SuperBucks in Deluxe Spa Resort.

City Center, Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, National Park, Sands, Stars-01


Cost : 10 000 coins Profit in 24 hours : 1 experience, 500 coins It’s a Yellow Timer Quest. Rhinos I - 24 hours - Place Pen with Rhinos - 5 Cans of Paint (Hotel, Ranch, Family House, Comfortable House, Townhouse). - 3 Concrete Slabs (made at the Cargo Port). Rhinos II - 36 hours… Continue reading Rhinos

City Center, Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Energy-?, Highland, Hours-05h00-08h00, Infrastructure, Max-pop-2001-4000, Sands, Stars-01


Available at Level 55 Cost : 350 000 coins - Max Population : + 3 100 Profit in 6 hours : 1 experience, 250 coins, ? energy Library I - 5 Architects (can be trained at the University). - Collect profits from the Subway Station 35 times. - Deliver goods to Bakery 35 times. Library II… Continue reading Library

Coins 0501-1000, Energy-04-06, Hours-21h00-24h00, Snow Plateau, Stars-01, Super Event, Unique Building


Available after completing the Yeti Profit in 24 hours : 1 experience, 700 coins, 4 energy Reward : After helping Mammoth, they'll give you a Mammoth Family sculpture (it will appear in your Storage under “Roads and Decorations”). The Mammoth is the second Super Event in Snow Plateau. It's a Yellow Timer Quest. Mammoth I… Continue reading Mammoth