Bay, Cant-speed, Unique Building

The Ship

The Ship is the fourth Building to upgrade. Upgradeds’ loop : Ship > Workshop > Restaurant > Hotel > Ship > Workshop ... The Start We beguin with send two goods (random items) in orders tab and get up the first two material. we can see, throughout the upgrades, the materials that can be brought… Continue reading The Ship

Bay, Unique Building

Wooden Pier

The Wooden pier is the way to go in The Bay from the City Center. Winds of Change I - Hand out 35 Brochures (German House, Family House, Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House, Upgraded German House) - Collect 25 Newspapers (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway Station) - Collect 12 Microphones (Pub , Upgraded Pub) Winds of… Continue reading Wooden Pier

Super Stories

Prehistoric presents

No timers! You have 10 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: 15 superbucks, Fountain, Rafflesia, Saurolophus statue, Pterodactyl statue, Triceratops statue, 2 Tree Ferns. Prehistoric presents I - Collect 35 Roses (Flower Kiosk) - Collect 27 Diamonds (Mansion) - Collect 15 Stars (throw parties at the Club or Concert Hall) Prehistoric presents II -… Continue reading Prehistoric presents

City Center, Coins 1001-1500, Enchanted Valley, Energy-04-06, Highland, Hours-01h00-04h00, Sands, Snow Plateau, Stars-01, Super Stories


No timers! You have 8 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Confectionery (Business : 30 goods to start, 1 100 coins, 1 experience, 4 energy every 4 hours). Start : 30 goods Profit in 4 hours : 1 experience, 4 energy, 1 100 coins Confectionery I - Collect 35 Invitations (Stationery Shop) - Collect… Continue reading Confectionery

Coins 1001-1500, Energy-01, Hours-05h00-08h00, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Bauble Workshop

No timers! You have 9 days to complete all the tasks. Reward: Bauble Workshop (1200 coins, 1 energy every 8 hours) Bauble Workshop I - Collect 25 Trowels (Subway Station) - Produce 31 lots of Concrete compounds (Construction Factory) - Collect 36 Stepladders (Convenience Store) Bauble Workshop II - Collect 9 Tongs (Family Restaurant) -… Continue reading Bauble Workshop