Coins 0501-1000, Drop Item, Enchanted Valley, Hours-01h00-04h00, Infrastructure, Max-pop-2001-4000, Stars-01

Valley School

Available at Level 65 and Super event "School of Wisdom" must be completed. Cost : 450 000 coins - Max Population : + 3 800 Profit in 4 hours : 700 coins - 1 star - 1 Diploma (for trained Designer and Mechanic at College) Valley School I - Collect 16 Computers. Do not drop… Continue reading Valley School

Business, City Center, Coins, Coins 0101-0500, Drop Item, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-01h00-04h00, Sands, Snow Plateau, Stars-01

Shoe Shop

Cost : 200 coins – Start : 5 goods > Profit in 1 hour : 1 experience, 150 coins > Drop constantly : Tube of glue > Drop : Aqualung - Ballroom Shoes - Boot (random) - Climbing Shoes - Elven Boots - Feather Duster - Pair of shoes (blak and pink) - Pair of skates - Pair of Skis - Piston - Snowboard (random) - Switch (random) - Welcome Mat