City Center, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, National Park, Stars-01

Mountain Goat

Cost : 15 000 coins Profit in 24 hours : 1 experience, 800 coins It’s a Yellow Timer Quest. Mountain Goat I - 36 hours - Place Pen with Mountain Goat - 25 Excursion Tickets (get them from your friends' cities). - 5 Forms (ask your friends). Mountain Goat II - 48 hours - 10… Continue reading Mountain Goat

City Center, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, National Park, Stars-01


Cost : 15 000 coins Profit in 24 hours : 1 experience, 800 coins It's a Yellow Timer Quest. Bisons I - 36 hours - Place Bisons enclosure - 5 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory when making any fabric). - 5 Flashlights (ask your friends). Bisons II - 24 hours - Collect profits from… Continue reading Bisons