Bay, Coins 0501-1000, Hours-05h00-08h00, Stars-01, Upgraded

Upgraded Rent-a-Scooter

Cost : Department of Architecture
Business : Start : 50 goods – max 9 buildings.
Profit in 5 hours : 1 experience, 900 coins.
Drop the same item that the Rent-A-Scooter un-upgraded.

1st Upgraded – 3h00

– 8 000 piastres
– 4 scooter (Pizza House)
– 5 cloth (The Workshop)

2nd Upgraded – 4h30

– 19 000 piastres
– 5 Tourists Dinner (The Restaurant)
– 10 paper bag (Upgraded Bakery)

3rd Upgraded – 8h00

– 7 Tourists Breakfast (The Restaurant)
– 6 letter opener (Upgraded Stationery Shop)
– 19 waffle cone ice cream (Upgraded Bungalow)

4th Upgraded – 10h00

– 6 snack tray (The Restaurant)
– 14 mustard (Upgraded Bistro)
– 15 book page (Upgraded Bungalow Deluxe)

5th Upgraded – 11h00

– 7 superbucks-01 Superbucks
– 7 fruit palte (The Restaurant)
– 4 belt (Upgraded Fashion Boutique)

6th Upgraded – 14h00

– 12 superbucks-01 Superbucks
– 3 vegetable cocktail (The Swimming Pool)
– 16 energy drink (Upgraded Petrol Station)

7th Upgraded – 16h00

– 16 superbucks-01 Superbucks
– 6 fine crockery (The Workshop)
– 19 portable speaker (Upgraded Hostel)

8th Upgraded –

9th Upgraded –