Tips & Tricks

Sleepers / Sleeper Cities

New players will often see other players mentioning sleepers, so what are they and what is their purpose?

Sleepers are simply accounts set up to be used solely as sleeping neighbours. These accounts are not played cities and tend to be very low level with very little in their city but of course each city varies. My own sleeper cities have 5 of each of the basic businesses in them so anyone doing a quest that requires hitting 5 bakeries/coffee/pubs etc of your neighbours, you can visit one of my sleepers while they are awake and click away on them with no concerns about impacting a neighbours own quests. You get your clicks worry free. The mayor upgrades are examples of requests where you need to be clicking on neighbours coffee and bakeries.

Every 6th day sleeper cities fall asleep. At this point you cannot visit them. They change colour and appear at the end of your neighbours bar with zzz at the top left of their picture, as shown below. I have edited out the names of my neighbours, for privacy reasons. Most people with sleeper accounts use a “sleeping” image for the account so you can easily identify them. They are different to neighbours who have just fallen asleep because they are not playing for whatever reason and may or may not return, in that they are set up with the purpose of falling asleep and being woken within a day or 2 for the rewards.

2 sleeper cities at the end of the neighbours bar

Once they show as sleeping, if you click the name a pop up will appear, giving you the option to call them. When one of your neighbours posts a status saying send your wake up calls, this is what they are referring to. Again I have edited out the neighbours name for privacy. Click on call to send a wake up call.


When the neighbour wakes up, you will receive a notification that they have returned to the game at your request. They are not limited to how many calls they can receive and everyone who has sent the wake up call will receive the same notification.


For every sleeping neighbour that returns you will receive 200 goods and 2500 coins, which add to your tally immediately and a +45 energy that goes into your inventory. You can have 100 of them in your inventory.


When you click to use them you will get 45 energy added to your tally. This is very useful especially for lower level players who tend to run out of energy very quickly. Sometimes buying a plot of land you can use up all of your energy clearing all the trees and rocks etc. I currently have about 38,000 energy points due to using sleepers to build it up so I never have to worry about using up energy. It is also useful for all of these random quests as they can be very energy intensive. If you have 10 sleeper cities amongst your neighbours then every week you would get 450 extra energy – it soon adds up.

So where do you find sleeper cities? My recommendation would be to head to the Mayors of Supercity group and apply to join the group. They maintain a thread there dedicated to sleeper cities with an extensive list of dedicated sleeper cities. The thread itself can be found here. Don’t forget to thank Helen & Erin, the admins of the group for this very useful thread! They have other useful files in the group as well, they are not just the sleeper queens!

I recommend adding as many dedicated sleepers as possible, they may not visit so you can’t rely on them for clicks during quests, they will only send requests weekly when they wake up so don’t send them a request you need urgently for a quest. I tend to use them for ‘topping up my inventory’. If you need to ask for an item from neighbours for a quest ask for the item from active neighbours but ask for the same amount, or even extra, from your dedicated sleeper neighbours. When they wake they will be added into your inventory and the next time that item pops up in a quest you may already have the required amount in your inventory and therefore saving you time. The biggest advantage is all that free energy!

 © Article by Gayle Hope