City Center, Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-01h00-04h00, Pop-0000-0050, Sands, Snow Plateau, Stars-01, Upgraded

Upgraded Recreational Cottage

recreational-cottage-upgraded.pngAvailable at level 83.
Cost : Department of Architecture
Residence – max 7 buildings
Profit in 2 hours : 250 coins – 1 Star – + 45 population. Drop the same item that the Recreational Cottage un-upgraded.


sea-glassSea glass

1st Upgraded – 8h00

– 1 800 Coins
– 13 Sneakers (Upgraded Shoe Shop)
– 17 Axes (Upgraded Colonial House)

2nd Upgraded – 8h00

– 5 Wooden Beams (Cargo Port)
– 10 Hot Dogs (Upgraded Convenience Store)
– 11 Mustards (Upgraded Bistro)

3rd Upgraded – 11h00

– 6 Wicker Chairs (Furniture Factory)
– 12 Lattes (Upgraded Coffee House)
– 9 Souvenir Cups (Upgraded Stationery Shop)

4th Upgraded – 13h00

– 10 Almond Butter (Ask friends)
– 13 Croutons (Upgraded Pub)
– 9 Firewood (Upgraded Ranch)

5th Upgraded – 13h00

– 3 Respirators (Hospital)
– 10 Energy Drinks (Upgraded Petrol Station)
– 12 Firewood (Upgraded Ranch)

6th Upgraded – 15h00

– 7 Hot Chocolate (Samantha’s Cafe)
– 21 Soy Sauce (Upgraded Wok Cafe)
– 8 Green Cloths (Upgraded Pool Parlour)

7th Upgraded – 15h00

– 9 superbucks-01 Superbucks
– 29 Orchids (Upgraded Flower Kiosk)
– 7 Belts (Upgraded Fashion Boutique)