City Center, Coins 2001-3000, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Hours-21h00-24h00, Sands, Snow Plateau, Super Stories

Heart of Love

Heart-of-Love.pngNo timers! You have 10 days to complete all the tasks.
Reward: Heart of Love (2875 coins every 24 hours)

Heart of Love I
– Collect 28 Pencils (Stationery Shop)
– Collect 30 Leaflets (Textile Factory – Denim)
– Collect 17 Newspapers (Subway Station)

Heart of Love II
– Collect 22 Whisks (Mansion)
– Collect 12 Sprigs of Rosemary (Greengrocer’s Shop)
– Grow 42 crops of Squashes (Farm)

Heart of Love III
– Produce 19 lots of Wallpapers (Construction Factory)
– Collect 8 Chisels (Auto Repair Shop)
– Collect 12 Paintbrushes (ask friends)

Heart of Love IV
– Collect 50 Throw blankets (Colonial House)
– Produce 21 lots of Linen (Textile Factory)
– Collect 9 Beds (Luxury Apartment)

Heart of Love V
– Collect 10 Lightbulbs (Electronics Plant – Mouse)
– Collect 10 Flower pots (Shopping Center)
– Collect 13 Lamps (ask friends)

Heart of Love VI
– Collect 9 Scooters (Pizza House)
– Train 5 Mechanics (College)
– Collect 15 Screw wrenches (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)

Heart of Love VII
– Collect 42 Feather dusters (Shoe Shop)
– Collect 33 Cleaning sprays (drop 1-3 at a time – Petrol Station)
– Collect 7 Bars of soap (Cosmetics Boutique)

Heart of Love VIII
– Collect 9 Tuna fishes (Sushi Bar)
– Collect 11 Eggs (Wooden house)
– Collect 32 Lettuces (Wok Cafe)

Heart of Love IX
– Collect 11 Cufflinks (Jewelry Shop)
– Collect 5 Bow ties (Tailor’s workshop)
– Collect 14 Boutonnieres (ask friends)

Heart of Love X
– Collect 80 Tulips (drop 1-3 at a time – Flower Kiosk)
– Collect 6 Rowan Sprigs (House with a watermill)
– Collect 20 Daisies (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)