City Center, Entertainment


stadiumThe stadium available at Level 23 allows to gain 3 “Sport trophy” and can bring back 15 with the help of 4 neighbors in 48 hours. He can’t be put in storage.

Stadium I
– Collect profits from businesses 15 times.
– Save 35 000 coins (will be deducted).
– Provide all businesses with goods 15 times.

Stadium II
– 9 Potato crops (grown at the Farm).
– 2 Whistles (ask your friends).

Stadium III
– 10 Stars (you can get them by throwing parties in a Club or holding concerts at the Concert Hall).
– 10 Trophies (you can get them at the Volleyball Court, or Tennis Court).

Stadium IV
– 3 Planks (made at the Cargo Port).
– 1 Brick (made at the Cargo Port).
– 3 Reinforcements (made at the Cargo Port).

Stadium V
– 2 Concrete Slabs (made at the Cargo Port).
– 2 Wooden Beams (made at the Cargo Port).
– 4 Drills (ask your friends).