Coins 0501-1000, Energy-02-03, Highland, Hours-05h00-08h00, Stars-01, Super Event, Unique Building

Water Spirit

water-spirit-01.pngAvailable after completing The Forest Spirit.
Profit in 5 hours : 1 experience, 550 coins, 2 energy
Reward : After finishing the quest, you’ll get a Water Spirit statue (it will appear in your Storage under “Roads and Decorations”).

The Water Spirit is the second Super Event in Highland.
It’s a Yellow Timer Quest.

Water Spirit I
– Talk to the Water Spirit

Water Spirit II – 36 Hours
– 9 Barrows of Soil (drop when you gather Squash crops at the Farm).
– 5 Twigs (get them from the Forest Spirit).
– 6 Heaps of Leaves (ask your friends).

Water Spirit III – 24 Hours
– 10 Planks (made at the Cargo Port).
– 12 Nails (get them from your friends’ cities).
– 6 Hammers (ask your friends).

Water Spirit IV – 36 Hours
– 15 Barrows of Sand (drop from the Construction Factory when making Concrete Compound).
– 10 Wooden Beams (made at the Cargo Port).
– 6 Repair Kits (ask your friends).

Water Spirit V – 48 Hours
– 30 lots of Tulle (made at the Textile Factory).
– 11 Cans of Green Paint (drop from the Flower Kiosk).
– 12 Stars (you can get them by throwing parties in a Club or holding concerts at the Concert Hall).

Water Spirit VI – 48 Hours
– 60 Strawberry crops (grown at the Farm).
– 12 Apple crops (grown at the Fruit Farm).
– 25 Ring Cakes (drop from the Bakery).

Water Spirit VII – 60 Hours
– 12 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory).
– 8 Wicker Chairs (produce in Furniture Factory).
– 12 Lamps (ask your friends).

Water Spirit VIII – 60 Hours
– 15 Fishing Line Reels (drop from the Shopping Center).
– 45 Floats (drop from the Summer House).
– 15 Fishing Rods (ask your friends).

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