City Center, Enchanted Valley, Highland, Infrastructure, Max-pop-0000-0050, Sands


university.pngAvailable at Level 38
Cost : 90 000 coins – Max Population : + 25

University I
– Help your friends with 35 buildings.
– 5 Seals (drop from the Administration).
– 12 Stars (you can get them by throwing parties in a Club or holding concerts at the Concert Hall).

University II
– 2 Drills (ask your friends).
– 3 Bricks (made at the Cargo Port).
– 1 Metal Beam (made at the Cargo Port).

University III
– 10 Pens (drop from the Stationery Shop).
– 8 Textbooks (drop from the Bookshop).
– 7 Graphics Tablets (ask your friends).

University IV
– 1 Concrete Slab (made at the Cargo Port).
– 3 Wooden Beams (made at the Cargo Port).
– 4 Marble Tiles (ask your friends).

University V
– 12 Corn crops (grown at the Farm).
– 9 Lumps of Sugar (drop from the Candy Factory when making Toffee Apples).
– 8 Packs of Juice (ask your friends).

► The University train 3 specialists in 6 hours each :

engineerEngineer (Max : 10)
Requires 1 builder & 1 designer (trained at the College)
architectArchitect (Max : 10)
Requires 1 builder & 1 mechanic (trained at the College)
constructorConstructor (Max : 10)
Requires 1 mechanic & 1 designer (trained at the College)

You can also see “Tips & Tricks” about the University.