Coins 0101-0500, Enchanted Valley, Energy-04-06, Energy-07-10, Hours-05h00-08h00, Stars-01, Super Event, Unique Building

School of wisdom

school-01Available after completing The Guardian of Valley.
Profit in 8 hours : 1 experience, 440 coins, 5-10 energy
Reward : After finishing the quest, you’ll get a Lucky Cat Statue (it will appear in your Storage under “Roads and Decorations”).

The School of wisdom is the second Super Event in Enchanted Valley.
It’s a Yellow Timer Quest.

School of wisdom I
– Click on School of wisdom

School of wisdom II – 36 Hours
– 20 Pairs of shoes (drop from the Shoe Shop).
– 25 Backpacks (drop from the Summer House).
– 15 lots of Wool (made at the Textile Factory).

School of wisdom III – 36 Hours
– 15 Corn crops (grown at the Farm).
– 10 Sandwiches (drop from the Pub).
– 9 Thermoses (drop from the Shopping Center).

School of wisdom IV – 48 Hours
– 4 Strong Ropes (drop from the Kindergarten).
– 20 Carabiners (drop from Subway Station).
– 12 Helmets (drop from the Hat Boutique).

School of wisdom V – 36 Hours
– 12 Romantic Candles (drop from the Coffee House).
– 24 Pumpkin crops (grown at the Farm).
– 12 Lotus Flowers (drop from the Flower Kiosk).

School of wisdom VI – 60 Hours
– 10 Happy Coins (get them from the Dragon).
– 20 Stars (you can get them by throwing parties in a Club or holding concerts at the Concert Hall).
– 18 Magic Wands (ask your friends).

School of wisdom VII – 48 Hours
– Put out 10 fires.
– 12 Hearts (you can get them from the “Love” Reality Show, Wedding Palace, and Filming Location).
– Help your friends with 35 buildings.

School of wisdom VIII – 48 Hours
– 15 Planks (made at the Cargo Port).
– 10 Roofings (made at the Construction Factory).
– 30 Nails (get them from your friends’ cities).

School of wisdom IX – 36 Hours
– 18 Cans of Green Paint (drop from the Flower Kiosk).
– 15 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory).
– 12 Paintbrushes (ask your friends).

School of wisdom X – 48 Hours
– 18 lots of Silk (made at the Textile Factory).
– 25 lots of Jasmine (drop from the Flower Kiosk).
– 12 lots of Incense (drop from the Sushi Bar).

School of wisdom XI – 36 Hours
– 5 Mechanics (can be trained at the College).
– Collect profits from the Shoe Shop 20 times.
– Deliver goods to Flower Kiosk 20 times.

School of wisdom XII – 36 Hours
– 25 Pumpkin crops (grown at the Farm).
– 16 Portions of Rice (drop from the Eastern House).
– 12 Packs of Juice (ask your friends).

School of wisdom XIII – 36 Hours
– 36 Strawberry crops (grown at the Farm).
– 12 Paper Lanterns (drop from the School).
– 12 Oil Burners (ask your friends).


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