Coins 2001-3000, Energy-02-03, Hours-21h00-24h00, National Park, Snow Plateau, Stars-01


sable.pngAvailable after completing Artic Wolf enclosure
Cost : 30 000 coins
Profit in 24 hours : 1 experience, 3 000 coins, 2 energy
It’s a Yellow Timer Quest.

Sable I – 24 hours
– Place Sable enclosure
– 16 Pairs of Shoes (drop from the Shoe Shop).
– 15 Carabiners (drop from the Subway Station).

Sable II – 36 hours
– 35 Corn crops (grown at the Farm).
– 16 Sandwiches (drop from the Pub).
– 12 Thermoses (drop from the Shopping Center).

Sable III – 24 hours
– 25 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory when you collect any fabric).
– 25 Planks (produced at the Cargo Port).
– 8 Balls (ask friends).

Sable IV – 24 hours
– 15 Paint rollers (drop from the Petrol Station).
– 12 Lightbulbs (drop from the Electronics Plant when you produce Mouse).
– 18 Green Paints (drop from the Flower Kiosk).

Sable V – 48 hours
– 21 Apple crops (grown at the Fruit Farm).
– 21 lots of Milk (produced at the Dairy Farm).
– 15 Bilberries (ask friends).