City Center, City Sights, Coins 0501-1000, Enchanted Valley, Energy-01, Highland, Hours-09h00-12h00, Snow Plateau, Stars-01

Japanese Castle

japanese-Castle.pngAvailable at level 35
Cost : 10 000 coins
Profit in 12 hours : 1 experience, 800 coins, 1 energy

Japanese Castel I
– 3 lots of Silk (made at the Textile Factory).
– Deliver materials to Fashion Boutique 2 times.
– Save 15 000 coins (will be deducted).

Japanese Castel II
– 3 Stones for Foundation (ask your friends).
– 2 Wall Towers (ask your friends).
– 1 Reinforced Log (ask your friends).

Japanese Castel III
– Deliver ingredients to Restaurant 2 times.
– 10 Wheat crops (grown at the Farm).
– Collect profits from the Subway Station 5 times.

Japanese Castel IV
– 3 Japanese Tiles (ask your friends).
– 3 Sunny Decorations (ask your friends).
– 2 Stone Idols (ask your friends).

Japanese Castel V
– 1 lot of Monitors (made at the Electronics Plant).
– 5 000 goods (will be deducted).
– Help your friends with 20 buildings.

Japanese Castel VI
– 4 Saplings (ask your friends).
– 4 Reeds (ask your friends).
– 3 Royal Carps (ask your friends).