Coins 0101-0500, Energy-02-03, Highland, Hours-01h00-04h00, Stars-01, Super Event, Unique Building

Forest Spirit

forest-spirit-01.pngAvailable after completing the Hangar.
Profit in 4 hours : 1 experience, 350 coins, 2 energy
Reward : After finishing the quest, you’ll get a Forest Spirit statue (it will appear in your Storage under “Roads and Decorations”).

The Forest Spirit is the first Super Event in Highland. Once the quest is finished, the country is unblocked and six parcels are available.
It’s a Yellow Timer Quest.

Forest Spirit I
– Click on Forest Spirit

Forest Spirit II – 24 Hours
– 25 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory).
– 20 Planks (made at the Cargo Port).
– 7 Birdhouses (ask your friends).

Forest Spirit III – 36 Hours
– 32 Pack of Seeds (drop from the Flower Kiosk).
– 20 Units of Water (drop from the Water Tower or Water Tower Upgraded).
– 9 Ornamental Stones (ask your friends).

Forest Spirit IV – 36 Hours
– 20 Barrows of Soil (drop when you gather Squash crops at the Farm).
– 15 Barrows of Sand (drop from the Construction Factory when making Concrete Compound).
– 12 Garden Scissors (ask your friends).

Forest Spirit V – 48 Hours
– 30 Saplings (drop randomly from the Summer House).
– 15 Shovels (get them from your friends’ cities).
– 12 Cups of Tea (drop from the Coffee House).

Forest Spirit VI – 60 Hours
– Collect profits from the Bakery 35 times.
– 35 Pumpkin crops (grown at the Farm).
– 19 Apple crops (grown at the Fruit Farm).

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