City Center, Unique Building


caravan.pngThe Caravan is accessible from level 1, however, it will be necessary to wait for level 6 with the availability of the Central Station.

The Caravan is the way to go in Sands from the City Center.

Caravan I
– 12 Water (drops from the Water Tower)
– 40 crops of Strawberry (grows at Farm)

Caravan II
– 6 Seals (drop from the Administration)
– 6 Forms (ask friends)

Caravan III
– 20 Planks (produced at the Cargo Port)
– 25 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory when producing any textile)

Caravan IV
– 30 Packs of Seeds (drop from the Flower Kiosk)
– 30 Glasses (drop from the Summer House)
– 15 Pens (drop from the Stationary Shop)

Caravan V
– 20 Umbrellas (drop from the Subway Station)
– 35 Ring Cakes (drop from the Bakery)
– 9 Bottles of “Crystal” water (ask friends)

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