City Center, Unique Building


airship-01The Airship is accessible from level 1, however, it will be necessary to wait for level 11 with the availability of the College.

This is the means of transportation available at the City Center to take you to “Enchanted Valley”

Airship I
 6 lots of Silk (made at the Textile Factory).
– 12 Planks (made at the Cargo Port).

Airship II
– 2 Mechanics (can be trained at the College).
– 8 Engines (drop from the Petrol Station).
– 5 Propellers (ask your friends).

Airship III
– 10 Cables (made at the Construction Factory).
– 10 Sensors (drop from the Water Tower or Water Tower Upgraded).
– 7 Clamps (drop from the Electronics Plant – Any).

Airship IV
 5 Leather Sofas (produce in Furniture Factory).
– 10 Ring Cakes (drop from the Bakery).
– 6 Packs of Juice (ask your friends).

Airship V
 12 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory).
– 10 Carabiners (drop from Subway Station).
– 7 Winches (ask your friends).

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